Commission on School Funding Members
Guy Hobbs, Chair
Guy Hobbs served as the Chief Financial Officer for Clark County for 13 years, from 1983 to 1995. Prior to that, he served as a member of the faculty of the Department of Management at University of Nevada, Las Vegas and as a Research Associate in the Center for Business and Economic Research. Since 1996, he has been in private practice in the field of public finance.
Mr. Hobbs has been actively involved as a technical resource to the Nevada Legislature for nearly four decades. He served on the Legislative Commission’s Subcommittee to Study Laws Relating to Financing of Infrastructure Which Accompany Development, the Subcommittee Studying Laws Relating to the Distribution Among Local Governments of Revenue from State and Local Taxes and in 2002, Mr. Hobbs was appointed by Governor Kenny Guinn to chair the Governor’s Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada.
Mr. Hobbs earned a B.A. in Business Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an M.B.A. from UNLV.
Dusty Casey
Oasis Academy
Dusty Casey is a 5th generation rural Nevadan born and raised in Fallon, NV. Mr. Casey grew up on his grandparents' (Lyle and Marcia deBraga) ranch in Stillwater, where he worked and spent much of his youth. He is a graduate of Churchill County High School, as well as the University of Nevada, Reno where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master of Arts in Economics.
Mr. Casey’s work experience includes farming/ranching, construction, land development and real estate, education administration and finance, college instructor, health care practice manager, and small business consultant. He is a founding board member of Oasis Academy charter school in Fallon and currently serves as its CFO and Athletic Director.
Mr. Casey has two daughters, Sequoya and Lakota, 16 and 10 respectively, and my wife Amanda is graduate of UNR (bachelor’s) and the UNR school of medicine, and currently is a physician in Fallon. He is active in volunteering for youth activities, including serving as president of the Fallon Youth Basketball League, a high school girls basketball coach at Oasis Academy, and a youth.

Andrew J. Feuling
Carson City School District
Andrew J. Feuling has been the Director of Fiscal Services with the Carson City School District since March 2014. Previously, he worked for Robert W. Baird in Milwaukee, WI in its Public Finance division as a School Business Specialist assisting districts with school finance items, budget projection, and budget planning all across southeastern Wisconsin. Prior to that Mr. Feuling served as the District Business Manager for Salem School District in Salem, WI and was an economics teacher at East Troy High School in East Troy, WI for eight years.
Mr. Feuling holds a B.S. in Business Administration (Finance) from Drake University, a B.A. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, an M.S. in Leadership in Educational Administration from Capella University, and an M.S. in School Business Management from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Mr. Feuling also holds an School Finance and Operations (SFO) certification with the International Association of School Business Officials.

Jason A. Goudie
Clark County School District
Jason A. Goudie became Chief Financial Officer for the Clark County School District in July 2017. The District is the fifth largest school district in the country serving approximately 320,000 students and employing nearly 40,000 people through a total budget of over $4 billion. He is an experienced financial and operational executive with over 20 years of business experience and has been a member of senior management teams for large gaming and manufacturing companies. His experiences include financial and accounting expertise, process and performance improvement, strategic planning, effective and efficient cost management, Sarbanes-Oxley, internal control assessment and audit, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reporting as well as overall business improvement strategies. Jason graduated from the University of Nevada – Las Vegas in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Accounting major). Jason is a Certified Public Accountant in Nevada.

Dr. David Jensen
Humboldt County School District
Dr. David Jensen is currently the Superintendent of Schools for Humboldt County School District located in Winnemucca, Nevada. Prior to his current position as Superintendent, Dr. Jensen served as Assistant Superintendent, Associate Superintendent for Business and Support Services (CFO), Director of Federal Programs, and as a School Psychologist.
Dr. Jensen represented Nevada’s students as a member of the State Board of Education for three years, as well as serves on the Governor’s School Safety Task Force. In addition, he has served as the Past President of the Nevada Association of School Superintendents (NASS) and as Past President of the Winnemucca Rotary Club. Dr. Jensen has received numerous awards, including Central Office Administrator of the Year in 2010, Superintendent of the Year for NASS in 2017, and formally recognized as Nevada’s Superintendent of the Year at the 2017 AASA conference. In 2018 he was named as Superintendent of the Year by the Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB). Under his leadership, the Humboldt CSD Board of Trustees has been recognized as Nevada’s Governance Team of the Year (2015), as well as School Board of the Year (2017). He has presented at a number of national conferences on the subjects of Special Education Law and Response to Intervention (RTI). Dr. Jensen earned his B.S. in psychology, M.S. in educational psychology, and specialist degrees from Brigham Young University. He then completed his administrative certification requirements followed by an Educational Doctorate (Ed.D.) from the University of Nevada, Reno.

Paul Johnson
White Pine County School District
Paul Johnson has served as the Chief Financial Officer for the White Pine County School District since March 1997 and has had the privilege of serving on a number of Nevada fiscal panels and funding studies to evaluate the Nevada Plan funding formula for K-12 education. Most recently, he was involved on a committee tasked with repairing and simplifying the current Nevada Plan funding formula. In 2013 through 2014 he served as a member of the Task Force on K-12 Public Education Funding Technical Advisory Committee. The Task Force was created to recommend a plan for funding public schools based upon a weighted formula that takes into consideration the individual educational needs and demographic characteristics of pupils. Through his efforts and involvement with various committees that serve to improve Nevada's funding, he has earned the following awards:
- Nevada Association of School Boards: District Level Administrator Impacting Student Achievement
- Nevada Association of School Boards: Executive Director's Award for Outstanding Contributions to Public Education and Nevada School Boards Service During the 2015 Session of the Nevada Legislature
- Nevada Association of School Boards: Executive Director's Award for Outstanding Contributions to Public Education and Nevada School Boards Service as a Member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Task Force on K-12 Public Education Funding
- Nevada Association of School Administrators: Central Office Professional -Technical Administrator of the Year
Effective July 1, 2018, Mr. Johnson was appointed as the Nevada Association of School Boards representative to the Committee on Local Government Finance.
In September 2002, Mr. Johnson was appointed to the White Pine County Commission by Governor Kenny C. Guinn and served the remaining term through 2004. During this period, he served as the Vice Chair and Chairman of the Commission and served on several advisory committees.
Mr. Johnson graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from UNLV and has a diverse background including experience with small businesses, corporations, and local government operations. He is actively involved in civic organizations, local government affairs, economic development, and youth athletics/activities.

Mark Mathers
Washoe County School District
Mark Mathers was appointed as the Washoe County School District’s Chief Financial Officer on October 23, 2017. Prior to being appointed by the District, Mr. Mathers served as Budget Manager for Washoe County, Nevada, from January 2015 through October 2017. Previously, he served first as Senior Deputy Treasurer and then Chief Deputy Treasurer for the State of Nevada from 2010 to 2014, Chief Deputy Treasurer for the State of Missouri from 2008 to 2009, and Director of Investments for the State of Missouri from 2004 to 2008. His local government experience also includes 10 years with the County of San Bernardino, California, in which he served as assistant debt manager and then chief investment officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration awarded magna cum laude from California State University, Fullerton, and a Master of Public Administration from Golden Gate University, California.

Punam Mathur
Culminating a 25+-year career as a senior executive in the gaming industry, Mathur currently and operates her own business as a speaker and consultant, and serves as Executive Director of the Elaine P. Wynn & Family Foundation. Within a lengthy list of volunteer and service roles, Mathur has received appointments to statewide leadership positions by the last four governors in Nevada. She is a champion and advocate for children and public education. Despite numerous awards and recognition, the role of which she is proudest is as Mom to her three remarkable sons and one spectacular daughter.

Jim McIntosh
City of Henderson
Prior to joining the City, he served as the Chief Financial Officer for the Clark County School District (CCSD), where he worked for seventeen years and had previously served as both the Deputy Chief Financial Officer and the Accounting Director. As Chief Financial Officer at CCSD, he was directly responsible for all aspects of the District’s financial operations including facilities and information technology
He has served on state task forces related to education funding including the Task Force on K-12 Public Education Funding, is an alumnus of the Clark County Public Education Executive Leadership Program and the Harvard Public Education Leadership Project. He is currently a member of the Committee on Local Government Finance.

Joyce Woodhouse
Joyce Woodhouse has recently completed her legislative career in the Nevada State Senate after serving from 2006 through 2020. As a Senator, she advocated and sponsored legislation regarding K-12 and higher education, health care, seniors and veterans’ issues, as well as other measures requested by constituents. During her last session, she co-sponsored the revision of the 54-year-old Nevada Plan, which resulted in the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan. Over the years, she served as a member and often chaired the Senate Finance and Interim Finance Committees; Education Committee; Legislative Operations and Elections Committee; Commerce and Labor Committee; Seniors, Veterans, and Persons with Special Needs; and Health and Human Services Committee. During interims, she chaired and/or served on various study committees.
Upon moving to southern Nevada from her home state of Montana, Ms. Woodhouse served as a first-grade teacher, elementary school principal, and program administrator for the Clark County School District for 40 years. During her teaching career, she was active in her local, state, and national teachers’ organizations. In addition, she served as a member and chair of the Nevada Public Employees Retirement System for 16 and 13 years respectively.
Joyce earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Carroll College in Helena, Montana and a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, both from the University of Nevada Las Vegas.