Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Employment Opportunities

Welcome! We are pleased that you are interested in dedicating your skills to Nevada's K-12 education system. Below you will find links to help you explore job opportunities here at the Nevada Department of Education as well as at schools across the Silver State.


  • Education Programs Directors, Supervisors, and Professionals assist and foster the growth of early childhood, pre-K, K-12, postsecondary, adult, and related education programs throughout Nevada by providing technical assistance, training, and oversight. Incumbents function as managers who train, supervise and evaluate the performance of subordinate supervisors; develop policies and procedures; and allocate staff and resources to accomplish goals and objectives. Applications are being accepted from applicants in both Las Vegas and Carson City and the position location will be selected after applicant review. Under the direction of the Office of Student and School Supports (OSSS) Director, the Education Programs Supervisor's team includes oversight of federal grant programs, state priorities and goals, and other school improvement initiatives aimed at supporting all districts, schools and students across Nevada. This position will be responsible for ensuring program implementation, monitoring and evaluation, grants management, budget oversight, usage of evidence-based practices, data informed decision-making, effective usage of funds, and other relevant federal and state requirements, including what is specified in ESEA and ESSA. The candidate will train, coach, supervise, and evaluate the performance of 10-12 professional staff; collaborate with two Education Programs Supervisors (EPS) within OSSS and other EPSs across the agency to strengthen alignment; and collaborate and communicate regularly with stakeholders on initiatives and policies.

State Employment Opportunities

If you are interested in seeking employment with the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) or the State Public Charter School Authority, all positions for state employment are maintained centrally by the Division of Human Resources Management.

State of Nevada Job Opportunities

The majority of relevant jobs will be found in the "Classified Job Announcements" section. To find jobs at NDE, we recommend you put "department of education" in the search phrase field.

Charter and Private School Employment Opportunities

Charter and private schools manage their hiring independently. We have provided the school listings below to assist you in your search:

Charter School Lists by Sponsor: