Licensure Renewals
Information for All Applicants
A criminal background check is a requirement of all applicants for Nevada Department of Education licensure pursuant to NRS 391.033. In all cases, you will also have to background for your employer. Please note that your employer and the NDE do not share your information and you will (in most cases) be required to do two separate background checks. Failure to background check for the NDE will result in denial of licensure and then you will need to reapply and repay the fees.
You must meet all requirements for academic preparation, student teaching, and competency testing for the specific area of licensure for which you are applying. In some cases, full-time contracted teaching experience may waive student teaching requirements, please see NAC 391.042 for more information.
Renewing Licensure Applicants Checklist
You may renew your standard or professional license up to 9 months before the expiration date of your current license through the OPAL licensure system.
If you are renewing your license, you will need to first register for your online profile through OPAL and follow the checklist below:
Non-Renewable/Provisional Educator Licenses
A Non-Renewable/provisional Educator License may be upgraded to a Standard or Professional License once all provisions on the license have been satisfied. Test scores showing satisfaction of all provisions must be submitted through OPAL along with a completed renewal application. Original transcripts showing passage of required coursework must be submitted to our office at our mailing address or via e-Script to:
Please note that renewal credits or hours are NOT required for persons holding a “Non-Renewable/Provisional” license at the time that they are converting this license type to a Standard or Professional License.
Pursuant to NAC 391.065, which is detailed in R110-18, was amended after the Commission on Professional Standards in Education adopted new renewal requirements and was subsequently approved by the Legislative Commission on June 26, 2019. The new requirements became effective on July 1, 2019.
Renewal Requirements
Regulation 110-18 Changes NAC 391.065 and 391.075.
- Repealed the requirements of NAC 391.075 removing the restrictions imposed on professional development activities and allowing flexibility in obtaining professional development for licensure renewal
- Updated the renewal requirement for educator licenses in NAC 391.065 to require 15 hours each calendar year of professional development or the equivalent of in-service training
Regulation 093-18 Established standards for professional development.
- Nevada’s Standards for Professional Development
The Department has developed an easy to understand brochure for educators based on the new regulation. There are two versions of the Educator Brochure below. The viewable link is designed to be viewed online. The printable link is designed to be printed back to back.
Special Renewal Circumstances for Retirees
Pursuant to NAC 391.073, a holder of a Retiree License, or a licensee submitting a letter from the Nevada Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) verifying retired status or a letter from employer stating that you have retired with proof of 15 combined years of teaching through Nevada Public Schools, Private Schools, and/or Charter Schools with a completed Verification of Experience form, does not need to complete any continuing education credits for renewal.
Special Requirements for Special License/Endorsement Types
Licensees who hold an educator license in any of the following areas are subject to special renewal requirements as detailed below:
Automotive Service Technology: Must submit proof of valid ASE certification as a master automobile technician, or proof of valid certification in all of the following areas: brakes; electrical and electronic systems; engine performance; and suspension and steering; see NAC 391.13065.
School Nurse: Must submit proof of current licensure by the State Board of Nursing.
School Psychologist: Must submit proof of current certification as a nationally certified school psychologist issued by the National School Psychology Certification System of the National Association of School Psychologists, or must complete the renewal requirements as detailed above;
School Social Worker: Must submit proof of current licensure by the Nevada Board of Examiners for Social Workers;
Renewing an Expired License
If your educator license has expired, you must reapply for licensure. Submit a completed licensure application though OPAL to the Office of Educator Licensure along with one completed and signed fingerprint card or have your prints taken electronically at one of our approved Livescan vendors after submittal and payment of the licensure fee. This must be paid at the time of application through our OPAL system.
If your expired license is a Standard or Professional License, you will need to submit proof of completion of 6 renewal credits or 90 professional Development hours as outlined above.
If your expired license is a Non-Renewable License/Provisional, you will need to submit test scores and/or transcripts showing that any remaining provisions on that license have been satisfied through your OPAL account.
Please note that any standard or professional licenses which licensees have allowed to expire are no longer “grandfathered” and will receive the new provision for Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Coursework. This is pursuant to NRS 391.019 and NAC 391.045 effective July 2015.
Information on Adding Additional Endorsements
If you are applying for an additional endorsement or area of licensure to your existing Nevada educator license, you will need to register for your online profile through OPAL add these endorsements on during the application process please make sure to include:
- Proof of completion of all academic requirements for licensure in the specified area(s), in the form of original transcripts issued by a regionally accredited college or university and bearing the college or university seal. Electronic transcripts are acceptable if sent directly to the Department of Education from the issuing institution or a recognized clearinghouse such as eScript. All electronic transcripts should be emailed to
- Competency testing score reports, if required.
- Verification of teaching experience or work experience (for Administrators, Business & Industry and Special Qualifications applicants only), if applicable.
- Additional endorsements are $50.00 each and payable with a credit or debit card through OPAL.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I know what testing is required for Nevada licensure.
A: Please visit the Competency Testing link for more information on this.
Q: Which licenses or endorsements should I apply for?
A: All licenses and endorsements are covered by clicking on the links from the main webpage under the standard license requirements, special license requirements, or licensed personnel requirements.
Q: How much does it cost to renew my license and endorsements?
A: Currently the fee is $150 to renew your license and all endorsements which are on that license. If you wish to add on additional endorsements at the time of renewal, you may pay an additional $50 per endorsement.
Q: What if I previously held a license with the NDE, am I considered “grandfathered” in for anything and do I qualify for the $150 renewal fee?
A: No. If you allow your license to lapse, you are considered a “reapply” and treated as an initial licensee. There is no “grandfathering” of anything for holding a previous license with the NDE. In fact, you will be subject to all applicable regulation changes for any newly required provisions to be placed on your license and you will have to pay the $180 fee for the initial license and $50 for each additional endorsement you would want back on the license.