Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    ESSER III Progressive Discipline Based on Restorative Justice (PDRJ) grant


    The ESSER III Progressive Discipline Based on Restorative Justice (PDRJ) grant -  Deadline has been extended to Monday, October 16, 2023.


      Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - The ESSER III Progressive Discipline Based on Restorative Justice (PDRJ) grant is created using $2 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds are dedicated to the creation and implementation of district and charter school progressive discipline plans that are based on restorative justice. During the 2023 Session of the Nevada Legislature, two bills related to school discipline and restorative justice were passed. AB 330 and AB 285 make changes to the age requirements for suspension, expulsion, permanent expulsion, temporary alternative placement, and the suspension and expulsion appeal process inclusive of NRS 392.4601 - 392.472. In addition, the new statutes address the collection and reporting of discipline data and the requirements for districts and schools to write and implement a Progressive Discipline Plan Based on Restorative Justice. Combining progressive discipline with restorative approaches when addressing behavior is intended to prevent a recurrence of inappropriate behavior by helping students take responsibility for their actions, repair any harm, and collectively find solutions to restore relationships. These funds will assist in the implementation of blending progressive discipline and restorative practices.