2018-2019 Current Grant Opportunities
12/6/19 FY20-FY21 Great Teaching and Leading Fund
Description: Competitive grant to incentivize Professional development for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel; Programs of preparation for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel; Programs of peer assistance and review for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel; Programs for leadership training and development; and Programs to recruit, select and retain effective teachers and principals.
Eligible Entities: RPDPs, school districts, charter school governing bodies, the State Public Charter School Authority, Nevada System of Higher Education institutions, employee associations representing licensed personnel, and nonprofit educational organizations not awarded an FY20/FY21 grant
Due Dates/Timeline: 1/06/20 by 5pm
Notice of Award: 2/07/20
11/18/2019 School Garden Grant Opportunity (Revised Application)
Description: The School Garden Grant was transferred to the Nevada Department of Education from the Nevada Department of Agriculture during the 80th legislative session (2019). The bill makes an appropriation for the creation and maintenance of school gardens for certain Title I schools. Grant appropriations are allocated to a nonprofit organization to lead the implementation of the garden, provide aligned learning opportunities for student participants, and garden supplies/materials. The School Garden Program is intended to provide structured, complementary and project-based learning experiences for an approved course of study in Science.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations authorized to conduct business in the State of Nevada. Please Applicant Eligibility criteria for further details.
Due Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2019
10/9 Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment Bullying Prevention Account Grant
Description: The Bullying Prevention Account was created during the 78th (2015) Session of the Nevada Legislature in conjunction with revisions to the state’s anti-bullying laws. Funding for continuation of the account was approved during the 79th (2017) Session of the Nevada Legislature and requires the Nevada Department of Education’s Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment to issue a request for applications quarterly if there is a minimum balance of $1,000.00 in the Bullying Prevention Account.
Pursuant to the policy adopted by the State Board of Education effective September 9, 2016, requests for funding of less than $10,000.00 will be approved by the Director of the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment.
Eligible Entities: All school districts and charter schools in Nevada
Due Date: November 6, 2019
- Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment Bullying Prevention Account Grant RFA
10/4 Charter School Application for a Planning/Implementation and Dissemination Subgrant
Description: The Nevada Department of Education received a $16.4 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education to increase the quality of public charter schools in our state between the years of 2015-2018. This grant is designed to support newer public charter schools in Nevada and to disseminate best practices from effective charter schools to the rest of the public education system.
Eligible Entities: Any new public charter school and existing public charter school opened in the past three years.
Due Date: Friday, November 20, 2019 by 5pm (PST)
9/5 Public Broadcasting Grant RFA 19-20
Description: The Nevada State Department of Education has been appropriated $462,725 for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 in a formula grant to be distributed among Nevada public broadcasters to assist in funding programming of high quality serving demonstrated community needs of an educational, cultural and informational nature.
Eligible entities: Nevada Public Broadcasting Stations
Due date: November 15, 2019
8/8 New Skills for Youth LIFEWORKS Employer Engagement Request for Application
(subgrant, reissued)
Description: The subgrants primary goal is to support entities in connecting employers to school programs to offer work-based learning experiences. Projects must align to high-skill, high-wage, and/or in-demand (regionally-specific) occupations and industries, and the economic and workforce development priority need areas as evidenced by labor market data and analysis.
Eligible Entities:
- Regional Development Authorities (RDA’s)
- Chambers of Commerce
- Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIB)
Due Date: August 30, 2019
Notice of Award: On or before September 13, 2019
8/2 Financial Literacy Education Grant
Description: Financial Literacy Education Grant provides funding to districts and charter schools/State Charter Authority to assist in deepening financial literacy education for all of Nevada's students. Financial literacy equips people with the knowledge and skills needed to manage money effectively and make positive financial decisions. It is imperative tools are provided to students to help navigate complex financial matters. All applications must include a strategic plan for implementation of the requested funds, so plan your narrative and budgets accordingly. Please read the application carefully as some requirements have changed from prior years.
Eligible Entities: Rural Districts and State Charter Authority (Clark County SD and Washoe County SD have specific allocations)
Timeline: Completed application and budget with narrative is due by August 30, 2019 5:00 p.m.
7/24 FY20 Computer Science Education Non-Competitive Grant Allocation
Description: Senate Bill 313 (80th Legislative Session, 2019) provides funding to districts and charter schools/State Charter Authority to assist in broadening computer science education for all of Nevada's students. In today's digital society, it is imperative that all of our students leave their K-12 experience with a basic understanding of computer science and computational thinking. With that, all applications must include a strategic plan for implementation of the requested funds, so plan your narrative and budgets accordingly. Please read the application carefully as some requirements have changed from prior years.
Eligible Entities: Rural Districts and State Charter Authority (Clark County SD and Washoe County SD have specific allocations)
Timeline: Completed application and budget with narrative is due by August 30, 2019 5:00 p.m.
NOTE: Charter Schools are to submit application and all documentation directly to NDE (cchang@doe.nv.gov ). The Charter Authority will be notified at a later time on what funding your school(s) have requested. Please contact cchang@doe.nv.gov directly should you have any questions.
7/2 School Safety Funding for FY20-FY21
Description: School safety funding for Social Workers in Schools Enhancement, School Resource or School Police Officers, School Safety Facility Improvements and Social Emotional and Academic Development as detailed in SB 528, SB 551, and SB 555
Eligible Entities: Local Educational Agencies
Due Date: 8/14/19
Notice of Award Date: 8/23/2019
7/1 New Skills for Youth LIFEWORKS Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) Subgrant
Description: The subgrants primary goal is to support the development of high-quality career and technical education programs in Nevada schools, and that such programs are aligned with college and career readiness standards as well as the needs of employers, industry, and labor. Subgrant funds are to be used by LEAs to develop their comprehensive local needs assessment as required by Perkins V and to provide LEAs the opportunity to analyze and transform their current CTE programs to create an educated and qualified workforce that meets employer need.
Eligible Entities: Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)
Due Date: August 23, 2019 by 4:00 PM
Notice of Award Date: August 30, 2019 by 4:00 PM
- New Skills for Youth LIFEWORKS Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) Subgrant Application
- CTE State Grant Assurances
6/21/2019 New Skills for Youth LIFEWORKS Employer Engagement Request for Application (subgrant)
Description: The subgrants primary goal is to support entities in connecting employers to school programs to offer work-based learning experiences. Projects must align to high-skill, high-wage, and/or in-demand (regionally-specific) occupations and industries, and the economic and workforce development priority need areas as evidenced by labor market data and analysis.
Eligible Entities:
1. Regional Development Authorities (RDA’s)
2. Chambers of Commerce
3. Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIB)
Due Date: July 5, 2019 by 4:00 PM
Notice of Award Date: July 15, 2019 by 4:00 PM
3/14/2019 Education for Homeless Children and Youth
Description: The Nevada Department of Education will open the Application to apply for funding under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act on March 25th, 2019
Eligible Applicants: Nevada School Districts, State Public Charter School Authority Schools
Due Date: Friday, May 3, 2019 by 11:59 pm (PST)
2/19/2019 Peer Assistance and Review Application Round 2
Description: SB300 (2017) appropriated FY19 funds to the Department of Education to allocate among the school districts other than Clark and Washoe for the purpose of providing assistance to teachers in meeting the standards for effective teaching.
*Note: $60,000 is available for awarding during this round. Upon available funding, current grant awardees will be considered for additional funds upon submission of a revised budget.
Eligible Entities: Nevada School Districts other than Clark County School District and Washoe County School District
Due Date: Applications due Friday, March 15, 2019 by 5:00 pm (PST)
2/4/2019 Bullying Prevention Account Grant
Title: Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment Bullying Prevention Account Grant
Description: The Bullying Prevention Account was created during the 78th (2015) Session of the Nevada Legislature in conjunction with revisions to the state’s anti-bullying laws. Funding for continuation of the account was approved during the 79th (2017) Session of the Nevada Legislature and requires the Nevada Department of Education’s Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment to issue a request for applications quarterly if there is a minimum balance of $1,000.00 in the Bullying Prevention Account.
Pursuant to the policy adopted by the State Board of Education effective September 9, 2016, any request for funding greater than $10,000.00 must be approved by the State Board of Education. Requests for funding of less than $10,000.00 will be approved by the Director of the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment.
Eligible entities: All school districts and charter schools in Nevada
Due Date: February 22, 2019
2/1/2019 Dissemination Subgrants
Description: Competitive subgrant to promote the high quality dissemination of Nevada charter school best practices to other schools.
Eligible Entities: 3-,4-, and 5-star public charter schools that have been open for three or more years
Due Date: Application Due March 20, 2019
Notice of Award: May 1, 2019
1/2/2019 Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment Bullying Prevention Account Grant
Description: The Bullying Prevention Account was created during the 78th (2015) Session of the Nevada Legislature in conjunction with revisions to the state’s anti-bullying laws. Funding for continuation of the account was approved during the 79th (2017) Session of the Nevada Legislature and requires the Nevada Department of Education’s Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment to issue a request for applications quarterly if there is a minimum balance of $1,000.00 in the Bullying Prevention Account.
Pursuant to the policy adopted by the State Board of Education effective September 9, 2016, any request for funding greater than $10,000.00 must be approved by the State Board of Education. Requests for funding of less than $10,000.00 will be approved by the Director of the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment.
Eligible Entities: All school districts and charter schools in Nevada
Due Date: January 11, 2019
12/28/2018 Title IV Part B 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Description: CFDA 84.287C - ESEA Title IV Part B - 21st Century Community Learning Centers Purpose: Federal funds administered by the state, through a competitive grant application process, in order to establish community learning centers. The centers provide academic and enrichment opportunities for children in alignment with state academic standards, as well as, provide enriching services for the participating student's families.
Eligible entities: local educational agency (school districts and charters), community (non-profit) or faith-based organizations, Indian tribe or tribal organization, a public or private entity, or a consortium of 2 or more such agencies, organizations, or entities in active collaboration with low performing (CSI, TSI or ATSI) schools and partnering youth serving organizations.
Due Date: April 1, 2019 5pm
- Title IV Part B RFA and Budget
12/11/2018 Public Broadcasting Services Grant
Description: The Nevada State Department of Education has been appropriated $462,725 for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 in a formula grant to be distributed among Nevada public broadcasters to assist in funding programming of high quality serving demonstrated community needs of an educational, cultural and informational nature.
Eligible entities: Nevada Public Broadcasting Stations
Due date: January 11, 2019
12/10/2018 FY19 LEA Library Book Purchasing Grant
Description: The LEA Library Book Purchasing Grant is a Non-Competitive Formula grant based on a district's previous expenditure of funds, excluding gifts and grants, for the purchase of library books.
Eligible Entities: Districts that use district funds to purchase school library books
Due Date: December 20, 2018
12/10/2018 Peer Assistance and Review Application
Description: SB300 (2017) appropriated FY19 funds to the Department of Education to allocate among the school districts other than Clark and Washoe for the purpose of providing assistance to teachers in meeting the standards for effective teaching.
Eligible Entities: Nevada School Districts other than Clark County School District and Washoe County School District
Due Date: Applications due Friday, January 4, 2019 by 5:00 pm (PST)
11/29/2018 Competitive Multi-Grant FY 20-21
Description:Competitive multi-grant for Title I, 1003(a), Read by Grade 3, Turnaround, and College and Career Readiness
Eligible Entities:College and Career Readiness - College and Career Readiness grant is open to all public high schools, middle schools, district-sponsored charter schools, schools sponsored by the State Public Charter School Authority, the Achievement School District charter schools, and institutes of higher education that provide Dual Enrollment opportunities. All applicants must read the entire application and complete all sections, unless otherwise noted.
- Read by Grade 3 - The Read by Grade 3 grant is open to all Nevada public elementary school districts, district sponsored charter schools, charter schools sponsored by the State Public Charter School Authority, and Achievement charter schools who do not receive Zoom or Victory funding. Since the Read by Grade 3 grant specifically directs the work of the Kindergarten through 3rd grades respectively, such entities must offer coursework across the K–3 grade levels.
- Turnaround – The Turnaround grant is open to any school that is on the State CSI Notification list.
- Title I, 1003(a) – The 1003(a) grant is open to schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) and/or targeted support and improvement (TSI).
Due Dates/ Timeline: Applications Due: January 15, 2019, by 5:00 PM (PST)
8/28/2018 Planning/Implementation Subgrants
Description: Competitive subgrant to provide funding for the planning and program design and initial implementation of new charter school programs in the state.
Eligible entities: Qualified charter school operators: 1) schools not yet open for operation; 2) schools opening during the 2018-2019 school year; and 3) schools opened as of the 2017-2018 school year; OR qualified charter school developers (committees to form) with a notice of intent or application submitted to a Nevada charter school sponsor (SPCSA or ASD).
Due date:
6/4/2018 Public Broadcasting Services Grant
Description: The Nevada State Department of Education has been appropriated $462,725 for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 in a formula grant to be distributed among Nevada public broadcasters to assist in funding programming of high quality serving demonstrated community needs of an educational, cultural and informational nature.
Eligible entities: Nevada Public Broadcasting Stations
Due date: June 15, 2018
- Public Broadcasting Services Grant Application
5/4/18 FY19 Great Teaching and Leading Fund
Description: Competitive grant to incentivize Professional development for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel; Programs of preparation for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel; Programs of peer assistance and review for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel; Programs for leadership training and development; and Programs to recruit, select and retain effective teachers and principals.
Eligible Entities: RPDPs, school districts, charter school governing bodies, the State Public Charter School Authority, Nevada System of Higher Education institutions, employee associations representing licensed personnel, and nonprofit educational organizations not awarded an FY18/FY19 grant
Due Dates/Timeline: 5/18/18 by 5pm
Notice of Award: 6/14/18
- FY19 Great Teaching and Leading Fund Application
3/28/18 FY19 Financial Literacy Education SB249 Non-Competitive Grant Allocation
Description: Senate Bill 249 provides funding to districts and charter schools to assist in broadening financial literacy education across 3-12 grades. There is a heavy emphasis on professional development in Senate Bill 249. So please plan your narrative and budgets accordingly.
Eligible Entities: Rural Districts and Public Charter Schools – (Clark County SD and Washoe County SD have specific allocations)
Timeline: Applications and budget narratives due April 30, 2018 5:00 pm
3/28/2018 FY19 Computer Science Education SB200 Non-Competitive Grant Allocation
Description: Senate Bill 200 outlines provisions that need to be met at various times over the course of the next few years. This legislation also provides funding to districts and charter schools to assist in broadening computer science education across K-12 grades. There is a heavy emphasis on professional development in Senate Bill 200. Note that requests for equipment alone, without a plan for broadening computer science across all grade levels or teacher professional development in computer science and computational thinking instruction, will not be approved. So please plan your narrative and budgets accordingly.
Eligible Entities: Rural Districts and Public Charter Schools – (Clark County SD and Washoe County SD have specific allocations)
Timeline: Applications and budget narratives due April 30, 2018 5:00 pm
3/20/18 NV Consolidation Application
Description: Competitive grant including: 1003(a), Title IVA, College and Career Readiness and Turnaround
Eligible Entities: This grant application is open to all Nevada public schools, district sponsored charter schools, schools sponsored by the State Public Charter School Authority, and Achievement School District charter schools.
Due Dates/Timeline: 5/9/2018 5pm
Notice of Award: 7/6/2018