ESSER II/GEER II School-Based Mental Health
During the 2021 Session of the Nevada Legislature, lawmakers approved the use of $7.5 million from the state’s portions of ESSER II and GEER II funds for the hiring of additional school mental health professionals to assist schools and students as the pandemic recovery continues, including by responding to students who are in crisis. Funding from this project may be used to employ or contract with additional school mental health professionals, dependent on the policies and procedures of each LEA. Per Legislative directive, decisions regarding funding to school districts and charter schools for the School-Based Mental Health Professionals project must be determined through consideration and review of current ratios of pupils to school mental health professionals, indicators of need, and availability of licensed individuals within the LEA and the community. Interested applicants must request a copy of the budget template and grant assurances forms by emailing Amber Reid at
The budget template and grant assurances MUST be submitted with the remaining portions of the application and all portions of the application must be received no later than the due date listed below. (Sept. 17, 2021, by 5:00 PM).
Funding Period: Upon subgrant approval- June 30, 2022
Eligible Entities: All Nevada public school districts and charter academies
Application Due: September 17, 2021, 5:00 PM