School Based Mental Health Services Grant/ Subrecipient Opportunity
Description: The Nevada Department of Education; Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment received a 5-year School Based Mental Health Services grant from the US Department of Education beginning October 1, 2020. The project is focused on Recruitment, Retention and Re-specialization of School Counselors, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, and other School Mental Health Providers in order to increase the ratio of the number of school based mental health professionals to the number of students and strengthen the school mental health workforce.
Eligible Entities: This request for new funding is open to all Nevada school districts and charter academies on behalf of those schools that wish to submit a Letter of Interest and meet eligibility criteria from the grant funding source. Eligibility criteria are based on highest need and ability to comply with all grant requirements. Awards are limited.
Timeline: The Letter of Interest is Due August 16, 2021 for the project year beginning October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022. Prior to completing your Letter of Interest, you must send an email to stating your intention to submit a full Letter of Interest. You will then receive the necessary data files to determine areas of highest need that are eligible.