Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    Trauma Informed and Restorative Practices through ESSER II and ESSER III

    The purpose of the Trauma Informed and Restorative Practices ESSER II and III funding is to allow for districts and charter academies to provide training to district/school leadership teams and/or staff, students, or caregivers, develop and/or implement policies and/or procedures on Trauma Informed schools and/or Restorative Practices to improve current systems.

    This application acts as an agreement between LEAs and the SEA for creating the conditions necessary to support a collaborative and responsive partnership as we work towards fully implementing Trauma Informed schools and Restorative Practices. 

    Please contact Marie DuFresne at: to obtain theBudget Spreadsheet.             

    Funding Period: ESSER II: Upon subgrant approval- June30, 2022
                               ESSER III:Upon subgrant approval- June 30, 2024

    Eligible Entities: All Nevada public school districts and charteracademies

    Application Due: November 30, 2021, 5:00 PM