Open Meetings and the State Board of Education: Frequently Asked Questions
What is an open meeting?
Any meeting of a Board, Commission, or Council that is authorized in statute is required to be an “open meeting” and adhere to Open Meeting Law. This refers to a series of practices that ensure that the meeting and decision process is transparent and accountable to the public. Open meetings must be open to the public by ensuring due and ample notice of the meeting time, the opportunity for the public to attend the meeting, accessibility to meeting materials and content, and opportunities for the public to submit public comment related to the duties of the Board.
Where can I find information about upcoming open meetings?
Public notices for the State are posted on the Nevada Public Notices website. Notices for Boards and Commissions homed at the Nevada Department of Education may be found on our Public Meetings calendar or on the meeting materials page of the individual Board. You may also request to be notified/subscribed to a notice listserv for individual Boards by reaching out to the Board secretary on the Board home page.
- Nevada Public Notices
- NDE Public Meetings
- NDE Boards and Commissions
How can I access agendas and meeting materials?
Each Board homed with the Department has its own webpage. On the right-hand side, “Meeting Materials” will bring you to posted notices/agendas, minutes, meeting materials, and livestream/captioning links for each meeting of the year as they are made available.
What is public comment and how may I make public comment at an open meeting?
Public comment is an opportunity for anyone to speak at an open meeting, engaging with the policy-making process, and voicing their support, concern, or perspective. Comment periods are usually provided at the beginning and the end of an open meeting, with the first comment period reserved only for comments related to items on the agenda, and both periods are usually limited by the Chair to three minutes.
Public comment may be provided in person if there is a physical location for the meeting or may be submitted in writing to the Board secretary to be read into the record. If providing testimony in person, make sure to fill out a comment card, and please provide a copy of your statement to the Board secretary at the time of the meeting.
What is the difference between the State Board of Education and my district Board of Trustees?
District Boards of Trustees make decisions and develop policies which apply to their unique school community. If you have questions or concerns about specific practices in place at your school or in your district, your Trustees may be able to address them.
The State Board of Education develops policy frameworks which are implemented at the State level and shape the landscape of education in Nevada. If you have questions or concerns about policies or practices which apply to all students or educators in the State, the Board may be able to address them.