Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    Nevada Department of Education Seeks Public Input on CTE Perkins V State Plan Draft

    October 01, 2019

    CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) is seeking public input on the reauthorization of the $1.3 billion federal Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act.

    “The U.S. Department of Education wants to ensure that Nevada’s CTE programs of study and career pathways lead to credentials of value,” said Jhone Ebert, Superintendent of Public Instruction. “We value everyone's input. It has been 13 years since we have updated our Perkins plan. I hope that everyone who values our CTE programs will take the time to review and reflect upon the work that has been completed to date.”

    NDE’s Office of Career Readiness, Adult Learning & Education Options (CRALEO) has completed the initial State Plan development for the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (also known as Perkins V). CRALEO has worked with a variety of stakeholders, conducting public meetings from March through August of this year that has resulted in this Perkins V State Plan draft.

    “We are now in the public comment period stage, and we value input from the public to develop the best State Plan for CTE in Nevada,” said Kristine Nelson, CRALEO Director. “Perkins V maintains much of Perkins IV, with increased emphases on: access for all students to high-quality CTE programs; increased employer engagement; and CTE programs that are aligned to high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand jobs in Nevada.”

    Public comment periods are a requirement of the Act; however, more importantly to NDE is the value of public input from all stakeholders – students, parents, educators, and the public at large to help shape the future of CTE in Nevada.

    Opportunities to submit public comment on the State Plan are open from October 1- November 1, 2019 on the State Plan draft. It was extended until December 1, 2019 specifically for public comments on the state determined levels of performance that are outlined in section II(D) and section V of the State Plan draft. All public comments received will be incorporated into the final State Plan draft that will be presented to the Nevada State Board of Education at its December 12, 2019 meeting.

    To submit public comment by mail, please send to:

    Nevada Department of Education’s Office of Career Readiness, Adult Learning & Education Options

    ATTN: Kristine Nelson, Director
    755 N. Roop Street, Suite 201
    Carson City, NV 89701

    Or by by email:
    Or by fax: (775) 687-8636

    For more information: Nevada Department of Education Perkins V