Nevada's 2021 Graduation Rate Remains Above 80 Percent Five Years in a Row
CARSONCITY, Nev. – The NevadaDepartment of Education (NDE or Department) announced today that the Class of2021 maintained Nevada’s graduation rate at above 80 percent for the fifthconsecutive year. The Statewide graduation rate for the Class of 2021 is 81.31percent, representing a slight decrease of 1.26 percentage points compared tothe Class of 2020.
Keytakeaways from the Class of 2021 graduation data include:
- In13 of Nevada’s 17 school districts as well as the State Public Charter SchoolAuthority (SPCSA), students graduated at a higher rate than the State averageof 81.31 percent.
- Nineof Nevada’s 17 school districts showed increases in graduation rates from theprevious year, with Storey County School District (CSD) showing the highestgain from 85.00 to 97.06 percent, a 12.1 percentage point gain over theprevious year.
- Otherdistricts with large year-to-year increases in graduation rates include Nye CSD(5.82), Churchill CSD (3.02), Humboldt CSD (2.94), the SPCSA (2.78), andLincoln CSD (2.40)
- Careerand Technical Education students maintained one of the highest graduation ratesof all student groups at 91.72 percent.
- Fivedistricts had 2021 graduation rates that exceeded 90 percent. They include:
- Esmeralda CSD at 100.00 percent.
- Storey CSD at 97.06 percent
- Lincoln CSD at 96.43 percent
- Humboldt CSD at 94.23 percent
- Pershing CSD at 94.12 percent
“The Classof 2021 experienced several unprecedented challenges, and this cohort ofstudents, along with our educators and families, have demonstrated resilience throughoutthe last two school years,” said Jhone Ebert, State Superintendent JhoneEbert. “I commend these students, and we are infinitely proud to see ourgraduation rates increase in many of our school districts. The slight decreasein our Statewide rate and among student groups underscores the need for acceleratedwork, and the Department is committed to supporting this work and collaboratingwith our school districts to ensure that each student is set up for success inschool and life.”
The fulllist of graduation rates and class sizes for the Class of 2021, includingcomparisons to 2020 graduation rates, is as follows:
Entity | 2021 | 2020 | Class of 2021 Class Size |
Statewide | 81.31 | 82.57 | 30,479 |
Carson City | 85.71 | 84.04 | 528 |
Churchill | 79.91 | 76.89 | 175 |
Clark | 80.94 | 83.17 | 20,792 |
Douglas | 84.53 | 88.91 | 399 |
Elko | 79.70 | 82.48 | 530 |
Esmeralda | 100 | NA | 1 |
Eureka | 73.33 | 90.91 | 11 |
Humboldt | 94.23 | 91.29 | 196 |
Lander | 66.67 | 81.97 | 44 |
Lincoln | 96.43 | 94.03 | 54 |
Lyon | 87.98 | 86.58 | 549 |
Mineral | 88.89 | 91.67 | 24 |
Nye | 83.09 | 77.27 | 344 |
Pershing | 94.12 | 94.87 | 32 |
SPCSA | 86.89 | 84.11 | 1,843 |
Storey | 97.06 | 85.00 | 33 |
Washoe | 82.48 | 85.11 | 4,062 |
White Pine | 83.76 | 82.88 | 98 |
Graduation Rate Comparison Between 2020 and 2021 Disaggregated by Student Race/Ethnicity
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify as American Indian/Alaska Nativedecreased 2.21 percentage points to 72.17 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify as Asian decreased 0.53 percentagepoints to 92.83 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify as Black/African American increased0.71 percentage points to 70.25 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify as Hispanic/Latino decreased 1.62percentage points to 79.63 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify with two or more races decreased 1.67percentage points to 83.36 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify as Pacific Islanders decreased 1.39percentage points 83.65 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who identify as White decreased 1.44 percentagepoints to 84.99 percent.
GraduationRate Comparison Between 2020 and 2021 Disaggregated by Student SpecialPopulations
- Thegraduation rate for students from families experiencing poverty decreased 0.08 percentagepoints to 79.01 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students with disabilities decreased 1.51 percentage pointsto 64.53 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who are English Learners (EL) decreased 4.13percentage points to 71.14 percent.
- Thegraduation rate for students who are experiencing transient housing (homeless)increased 1.77 percentage points to 63.25 percent.
Please note: 2020-21 Graduation Rate Data is being populated on the Nevada Report Card and will be live by 5:00 p.m. on November 17, 2021. Access the Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates via PDF.
The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) leads and collaborates withNevada’s 17 school districts and the State Public Charter School Authority toadvance educational equity Statewide. With offices in Carson City and LasVegas, NDE oversees all pre-K-12 education in the State, working to achieve itsmission to improve student achievement and educator effectiveness by ensuringopportunities, facilitating learning, and promoting excellence. Under the leadershipof the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction,NDE impacts the achievement of nearly half a million children and 30,000educators.