Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security


This Career Cluster® is focused on planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety and protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

The Employability Skills for Career Readiness Standards must be an integrated component of all CTE course sequences.

Criminal Justice (SY 2022-23 was the last year offered)

The Criminal Justice program provides students with an understanding of the difference between the civil and criminal codes in the American Legal System, with a particular emphasis on criminal and civil cases decided by local, state and federal courts. Areas of study include civil law, criminal law, legal and ethical issues, corrections, policing and the government.

Students who started the program of study in or prior to the 2022-23 school year will complete the program sequence as stated in the 2022-23 CTE Course Catalog. The Level 3 course for students who started the program of study in or prior to the 2022-23 school year will be offered through the 2024-25 school year.

Emergency Telecommunications

The Emergency Telecommunications program is designed for the student interested in a career in the emergency communications field. Areas of study will include telecommunication centers, dispatching, use of 911 computer systems, participation in emergency scenarios, and call processing.

The Supplemental Program Resources Document combines information originally found in the Program of Study and Equipment List Documents as well as the Crosswalks that were previously listed at the end of each set of program standards.

Fire Science

The Fire Science program provides students with an introduction to fire science techniques and processes. The program provides the skills and knowledge affecting wildland fire behavior and suppression, fire investigations, fire prevention, CPR/First Aid, engine companies, and potential hazards and human factors on the fire line.

The Supplemental Program Resources Document combines information originally found in the Program of Study and Equipment List Documents as well as the Crosswalks that were previously listed at the end of each set of program standards.

Forensic Science (valid beginning 2022-23 school year)

The Forensic Science program introduces the principles and procedures employed in criminal and civil investigations. Areas of studies include scientific endeavors such as medicine, pathology, psychology, geology, entomology, fingerprint technology, chemistry, and biology. Emphasis will be put on gathering, analyzing, and interpreting physical evidence, using modern laboratory technologies and procedures.

Forensic Science (SY 2021-22 was the last year offered as a 3-year program)

The Forensic Science program introduces the principles and procedures employed in criminal and civil investigations. Areas of studies include scientific endeavors such as medicine, pathology, psychology, geology, entomology, fingerprint technology, chemistry, and biology. Emphasis will be put on gathering, analyzing, and interpreting physical evidence, using modern laboratory technologies and procedures.

Students who started the program of study in or prior to the 2021-22 school year will complete program sequence as stated in the 2020-21 CTE Course Catalog. The Level 3 course for students who started the program of study in or prior to the 2021-22 school year will be offered through the 2023-24 school year.

Law Enforcement (valid beginning 2023-24 school year)

The Law Enforcement program provides students with an introduction to law enforcement techniques and processes. Areas of study include basic functions of a law enforcement officer such as: written policies, quality control, court system, law, interrogations, use of force, and emergency management. The Supplemental Program Resources Document combines information originally found in the Program of Study and Equipment List Documents as well as the Crosswalks that were previously listed at the end of each set of program standards.

Law Enforcement (SY 2022-23 was the last year offered as a 3-year program)

The Law Enforcement program providesstudents with an introduction to law enforcement techniques and processes.Areas of study include basic functions of a law enforcement officer such as:written policies, quality control, the court system, law, interrogations, use offorce, and emergency management.

Students who started the program of study in or prior to the 2022-23 school year will complete the program sequence as stated in the 2022-23 CTE Course Catalog. The Level 3 course for students who started the program of study in or prior to the 2022-23 school year will be offered through the 2024-25 school year.