Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    Statewide Leadership Networks


    The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) continues to strengthen its partnership with Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)-school districts and the State Public Charter School Authority-to enhance support and resources provided to Nevada's elementary and secondary school leaders for K-12 students' college and career readiness in their journey to graduate. NDE is partnering with WestEd to implement two new networks during the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. These networks are designed to support the central office administrators and school leadership teams across the State by building on current knowledge and skills and developing additional evidence-based resources for education leaders at the school and districts levels. These networks include:

    • The Nevada Site Leadership Network (NSLN) is a resource for principals of schools that have a designation of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) based on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Nevada Leadership Learning Network (NLLN), and
    • The Nevada Leadership Learning Network (NLLN) is a cohort-model community of practice for central office administrators and school leadership teams in our state that creates a learning network for administrators and district teams allowing them to learn alongside and from each other, share evidence-based resources, and discuss problems of practice.

    These support networks are being developed and implemented in partnership with WestEd and will be offered at no cost to approved participants or districts; however, participation requires a commitment to fully participating in the learning experience.

      Nevada Leadership Learning Network (NLLN)

      The NLLN will consist of two cohorts that represent different levels of school leadership. Cohorts will be identified for both SY 2022-23 and SY 2023-24.  

      The Supervisors of Principals' Academy (SOPA)

      The Nevada Supervisors of Principals' Academy (SOPA) is a statewide learning network program for principal supervisors. SOPA participants are current principal supervisors dedicated to advancing coaching and evaluation practices. Approximately 20 participants will be selected for this network and may include:

      • Superintendents 
      • Charter Management Board Members
      • Assistants Superintendents
      • Directors of Schools

      The SOPA Academywill be launched Summer 2023 with monthly 2-hour sessions.

      School Leadership Team Networks (SLTN)

      The School Leadership Team Network  (SLTN) is a professional development network for principals and their school leadership teams and is dedicated to developing tools, processes, and facilitation skills in site-specific contexts.  The SLTN initiative brings school leadership teams together with national experts to expand effectiveness through collaboration. Approximately 30 participants will be selected to participate in this cohort for each of the next two school years. An emphasis will be on:

      • Building and sustaining a culture of learning for both teachers and students,
      • Building system that guarantee access to high quality teaching and learning, and
      • Facilitating adult learning focused on continuous improvement.


      The SLTN launched Fall 2022 are school leadership team who come together for six 2.5-hour sessions with national experts to expand effectiveness through collaboration with a focus on strengthening instructional Leadership. A second cohort will be convened for 2023-24.



      The Nevada Department of Education is partnering with WestEd to launch new virtual micro network series for central office administrators and school leadership teams in our state.


      February 2023 - Refining Your Leadership Focus

      Refine your personal leadership action plan and your leadership focus through the use of the Implementation Matrix

      9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PT

      • Session 1: 02/09/2023
      • Session 2: 02/16/2023
      • Session 3: 02/23/2023


      March 2023 - Building an Instructional Vision

      Practice building an Instructional Vision for your school or district. Build a plan to refine and communicate an Instructional Vision.

      9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PT

      • Session 1: 03/03/2023
      • Session 2: 03/10/2023
      • Session 3: 03/17/2023


      April/May 2023 - Coaching Fundamentals

      Apply a coaching lens to leadership and practice coaching moves.

      9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PT

      • Session 1: 04/19/2023
      • Session 2: 04/26/2023
      • Session 3: 05/03/2023


      REGISTER NOW to participate in Micro Network Sessions, or

      Register for a virtual information session to learn more about the Micro Networks to be held 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. PT -

      • 12/09/22
      • 12/14/22
      • 01/03/22
      • 01/24/22


        NSLN for Schools Designated for Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement, and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement

        The NSLN is a key pillar of support and resource geared at improving the academic achievement of students at schools that have a substantial population of students who are at an economic disadvantage and/or belong to a student subgroup that has historically experienced a less than equitable opportunity for high-quality education. These schools have a designation of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), and are so designated based on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). ESSA is the latest update to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and seeks to improve upon the support these schools currently receive from ESSA's Title I, which focuses on leveling the playing field for the students described above.

        The NSLN is a quality resource for principals of CSI, TSI, and ATSI schools that is geared solely at these schools, and its purpose is to support LEA and school leaders learning alongside one another to accelerate learning outcomes for students and close students' opportunity gaps. The network seeks to engage 20-30 CSI school leaders in school improvement efforts that are:

        • Intensive,
        • Collaborative, and
        • Continuous.

        School leaders will participate in cohorts as separate, networked communities based on identified problems of practice for up to four problem areas. There will be:

        • Bi-monthly virtual network convenings of all the schools participating in the NLSN (2 hours);
        • Bi-monthly virtual team huddles for each problem area with up to five schools in each cohort (1 hour);
        • Office hours and coaching-both are optional (up to one day per month); and
        • In-person site Pathway Walks (one per year per school) in small groups to support schools in 'seeing the systems', identifying students' needs, and addressing those needs in ways more beneficial for our students.

        Cohorts will apply learnings from School Transformation Series' Component I monthly webinars and receive support through:

        • Analysis of current conditions including data analysis, observations of current systems, and stakeholders' engagement;
        • Development and refinement of an aim statement that defines system improvement;
        • Development and refinement of a working theory for achieving the aim; and
        • Establishment of a testing routine.

        Register for the first webinar, "Reviewing our Journey and Problem Identification"


        ○ Monday, September 12 from 9:00 - 11:00am

        ○ Wednesday, September 14 from 10:00am - 12:00pm

        ○ Monday, September 19 from 2:00pm - 4:00pm

        ○ Tuesday, September 20 from 12:00 - 2:00pm

        ○ Note that the above dates offer four options for the same webinar, so you only

        need to join one. Also, recordings will be available if you are unable to join.

        What: This webinar will offer space for both reflecting on the progress and challenges in meeting the goals of the 2021-22 SPP and also beginning to apply a continuous improvement approach to revising/creating the 2022-23 SPP.


          CSI/TSI/ATSI School Nevada Site Leadership Network
          Jeff Hoover,

          Nevada Leadership Learning Network (NLLN)
          Brenda Moore-Grisham,
