Turnaround Grant
In 2015, Nevada State Legislature passed SB 515, sec. 24, which authorizes
Nevada Department of Education (NDE) to make subgrants to certain underperforming
schools to assist in school improvement. This funding source is to be used to leverage
change and dramatically improve student achievement in the identified underperforming
schools by making targeted investments in the areas aligned to Nevada’s Strategic Plan.
The Turnaround Program’s goals and objectives directly align with all six of the
State Strategic goals. It also, supports the three priority areas of School Improvement,
Leadership Development and Data-based Decision Making.
The goals of the Turnaround Program:
- Principals who have been designated as an Autonomy School leader achieve the highest return on education investment
- District/School staff develop and enhance their ability to reflect on implicit bias and the impact on interpreting data and instruction
- A State Leadership Network (SLN) provides opportunities for educator across the state to convene and learn and share strategies, challenges, and enhance their leadership capacity.
In 2017, Senate Bill 544, section 20, specifically states the following three criterions for any public school to be supported by the Turnaround grant:
- Any school that has been designated an Autonomy School;
- Any State prioritized 1- or 2-star school that does not receive federal school improvement funding, i.e., Title I 1003(a) grant;
- Downward trending 3-Star schools;
- Any school that has been recently released from the State Rising Star designation list.
Use of Funds
The Turnaround Grant can allow schools to apply for funding to target research-based solutions that address specific needs of students within and across the state’s diverse student populations. The State Leadership Network (SLN), a state funded effort to support education leader across the state as they reflect on the presence of equitable practices within their districts/schools, investigate the impact of implicit bias on interpreting data, and leveraging the power of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), all to enhance adult capacity to support positive student outcomes.
Autonomy Schools, Awarded $180,000 FY 19 – 20
- Earl Elementary School
- Stanford Elementary School
- Bailey Middle School
- Robison Middle School
- Johnston Middle School
- Cheyenne High School
Subgrant Awardees and Award Amounts, FY 19 – 20
- Elko County School District - $275,006.12
- Humboldt County School District - $129, 151.52
- Lyon County School District - $29,523.50
- Washoe County School District - $277,902.00
- Nye County School District - $65,483.40
- Clark County School District - $800,000.00
- Mineral County School District - $11,833.80