Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    Nevada Department of Education Recognizes Distance Education Week with Launch of Digital Learning Guide and Webinar Series

    November 09, 2021

    CARSONCITY, Nev. – Inrecognition of National Distance Education Week, November 8-12 the Nevada Department of Education(NDE or Department) has launched the Nevada Digital and Blended Learning Guide (Digital Guide) and accompanying webinarseries to support educators and school and district leaders Statewide.   

    The DigitalGuide provides important resources and recommendations to support district,school, and educator implementation of digital learning. It is intended tosupport development of district- and school-level Digital Learning Plans, intandem with NDE’s 12-session Professional Learning WebinarSeries around “Growing Digital Learning in Nevada,” which will run until June 2022.

    “Thecurrent moment in education is one of transformation, and we must evolvetraditional instructional methods into innovative, mastery-basedstudent-centered learning models,” said Jhone Ebert, State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction. “With the launch of our Digital Guide and supportingWebinar Series, Nevada continues to lead the nation in digital education by providingflexible frameworks and supports for our district leaders and educators.”

    The DigitalGuide is intended to support Nevada’s Local Education Agencies (LEAs) andschool leaders as they continue to build out their own Digital and BlendedLearning plans based on the needs of their communities. In the Digital Guide, districtand school leaders can follow a step-by-step process, including the followingsections: 

    • Access, Build, and MaintainInfrastructure
    • Personalized Student Learning
    • Educator Professional Learning
    • Learning Management System
    • Health and Wellness
    • Parent and Family Collaboration
    • Organizational Best Practices   

    NDE’sDigital Guide is one of several digital tools made available to Nevadaeducators, and is part of the ongoing work of the Nevada Digital LearningCollaborative (NvDLC). The NvDLC’s mission is to ensure that every educator,student, and family member has access and support for digital learning tosuccessfully navigate the online and blended learning environments acrossNevada through professional learning and curricular resources. Educators,school and district leaders, parents and families, and students can accessresources on the Nevada Digital Learning Collaborativewebsite, with new contentadded on a regular basis. Educators,students, and family members can subscribe to receive NvDLC updates when newresources are available.  

    The NevadaDigital Learning Collaborative is supported by a cohort of 42 DigitalAmbassadors, which are educators representing Nevada’s school districts andoffering expertise across various teaching approaches, grade levels, andsubject areas. NDE’s current cohort of DigitalAmbassadors was welcomed in August 2021.



    The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) leads and collaborates withNevada’s 17 school districts and the State Public Charter School Authority toadvance educational equity Statewide. With offices in Carson City and LasVegas, NDE oversees all pre-K-12 education in the State, working to achieve itsmission to improve student achievement and educator effectiveness by ensuringopportunities, facilitating learning, and promoting excellence. Under theleadership of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of PublicInstruction, NDE impacts the achievement of nearly half a million children and30,000 educators.