Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Perkins V

On July 31, 2018, President Trump signed the reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act of 2006 – The Strengthening Career and Technical Education in the 21st Century Act (Perkins V), which aims to increase students’ academic knowledge and technical and employability skills development through career-connected learning.

Perkins V requires the state, school districts, and community colleges to engage with stakeholders in their communities and create plans supporting innovation in the future of CTE. Thus, Perkins V provides opportunities to recalibrate CTE in innovative, flexible, and aligned ways. Perkins V aligns with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Every Student Succeeds Act, and the Higher Education Act.

The Perkins V State Plan that was approved by the U.S. Department of Education includes:

  • Revisions to the state’s strategic CTE goals
  • Includes new Secondary Program Quality Indicators
  • Defines high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations
  • Postsecondary accountability for dual credit performance indicator
  • Growth goals in CTE specific indicators
  • Provides for future regional approaches to complete the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment and Local Application

Nevada Perkins V State Plan Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal 1: Improve access to and achievement in high quality career and technical education programs of study aligned to high-skill, high-wage, and/or in-demand occupations for all student population groups as measured by State Determined Performance Levels (SDPL) targets.

Strategic Goal 2: Develop a systematic approach to ensure access for all student population groups to career pathways and skill development from pre-kindergarten through postsecondary education as measured by participation and concentrator data in the State Determined Performance Levels (SDPL) targets.

Strategic Goal 3: Ensure employers have a pipeline of skilled talent.

The Nevada Department of Education’s (NDE) Office of Career Readiness, Adult Learning, and Education Options (CRALEO) serves as the eligible state agency for Perkins grant funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). As such, NDE CRALEO is responsible for the development and submissions of the Perkins V consolidated four-year state plan.

Anna Reynolds



Assistant Director


On or before January 31st of an even-numbered year: Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

Annually with Perkins grant request: Local Application for Federal Funding

Even-numbered years with Perkins grant request: Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Progress Update