Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Program Resources, Documents, and Publications

CTE Course Catalog

The purpose of the statewide course catalog for career and technical education (CTE) is to provide a resource that consolidates all CTE secondary education courses in Nevada. This catalog shall be used as the sole resource for school districts to determine courses and course sequences for all high schools. This catalog is considered a dynamic resource where new courses may be added through the application process approved by the Department of Education.

For more information, please contact

CTE Program Directory

This document provides a listing of career and technical education (CTE) programs offered at high schools throughout the state. The programs have been identified by enrollments reported in the state student information system and by additional information reported directly to the Department of Education by local school districts.

For more information, please contact

CTE Quality Program Standards

The Nevada CTE Quality Program Standards (QPS) include nine components designed to validate the career and technical education (CTE) programs in public and charter schools. The program standards identified in this document are listed as a model for school districts and charter schools to design, implement, assess, and improve CTE programs. The standards represent rigorous and relevant expectations for program organization and delivery. The standards illustrate the common responsibilities of the student, teacher, counselor, and school administration that are needed to establish and maintain highly effective CTE programs.

For more information, please contact

Programs of Study

The program of study illustrates the sequence of academic and career and technical education coursework that is necessary for the student to successfully transition into postsecondary educational opportunities and employment in their chosen career path. (NAC 389.803)

Refer to the Program Clusters for specific Programs of Study documents.

Program Standards

The state skill standards are designed to clearly state what the student should know and be able to do upon completion of an advanced high school career and technical education (CTE) program. The standards are designed for the student to complete all standards through their completion of a program of study. The standards are designed to prepare the student for the end-of-program technical assessment directly aligned to the standards. (Paragraph (a) of Subsection 1 of NAC 389.800)

Refer to the Program Clusters for specific Programs Standards documents.

Program Reference Codes

The Standards Reference Code is only used to identify or align performance indicators listed in the standards to daily lesson plans, curriculum documents, or national standards.

For more information, please contact

Curriculum Frameworks

The Nevada CTE Curriculum Frameworks are organized utilizing the recommended course sequencing listed in the program of study and the CTE Course Catalog. The framework identifies the recommended content standards, performance standards, and performance indicators that should be taught in each course.

Refer to the Program Clusters for specific Curriculum Frameworks documents.

Refer to the Program Clusters

Equipment Lists

This recommended list is based upon a classroom size of 25 students. All costs are estimated and should be adjusted and verified with current quotes. No specific vendor or brand names are listed due to various possibilities. The intent of this list is to provide School Districts with guidance on the necessary equipment needs to cover the state standards. Consumable supplies are not part of this list.

Refer to the Program Clusters for specific Equipment Lists.

Refer to the Program Clusters

Academic Credit for CTE Coursework

Career and technical education (CTE) coursework may qualify for academic coursework for the purposes of high school graduation if certain provisions outlined in the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) are properly followed. These provisions may assist students in meeting graduation requirements while simultaneously affording them more time to dedicate to their CTE program of study. (NAC 389.672)

For more information, please contact