Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

NDE and WIDA Professional Learning Offerings

English Language Development 101: Introduction to the NV ELD Instructional Supports

English Language Development (ELD) 101: This introductory, self-paced course will support educators in learning about Nevada’s English learner students and ways they can instructionally support their diverse linguistic needs by utilizing the Nevada English Language Development Standards and Instructional Supports documents (formerly known as the NV ELD Standards Framework and Instructional Guidance documents).

This course can be accessed by Nevada educators on the NDE PL Canvas Course Catalog.

EDU 288: Foundations for Teaching Multilingual Learners

This course is designed to help pre-service and in-service educators understand English language development (ELD) in K–12 settings with the goal of supporting multilingual learners to equitably access academic content while simultaneously developing academic English proficiency. This course explores the theories and research that serve as the basis for the Nevada ELD Standards and Instructional Supports documents and how to successfully implement evidence-based instructional practices that support steady progression toward English language proficiency and achievement in academic content areas. Course participants will deepen their understanding of how to prioritize culturally and linguistically responsive and sustaining instructional practices through the lens of case study students in Nevada schools. Course participants will be expected to demonstrate understanding of key theories and research, evidence-based practices, and lesson design aligned with the Nevada ELD Standards and Instructional Supports and the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF). Toward the end of the course, participants will identify and enhance ELD practices within a lesson scenario that optimally supports multilingual learners. Additionally, participants will be required to provide feedback on a peer's response to their lesson scenario. The culminating activity for the course will require participants to prepare a brief presentation that communicates to teacher(s) and other educational partners the immense potential multilingual learners bring to the learning by capitalizing on the students' assets and engaging them in culturally and linguistically sustaining practices.

While designed by NDE EL Programs, this three credit course is offered through the Nevada Higher Education Institutions. EDU 288 is designed to support English Language Acquisition and Development requirements, and also satisfies the Multicultural Education licensing renewal requirements.

ELD 201: Advancing Academic English Language Development for Nevada’s Multilingual Learners

This course is intended for Nevada content educators to implement English language development (ELD) practices in K–12 settings. The overarching goal of the course is to prepare content educators as they support multilingual learners (MLs) in an assets-based learning environment to equitably access academic content while simultaneously developing academic English proficiency. This course is based on the four Big Ideas of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, the 2020 edition: Equity of Opportunity and Access; Integration of Content and Language; Collaboration Among Stakeholders; and Functional Approach to Language Development.

Steeped in the WIDA Can-Do philosophy, this course explores how the Nevada English Language Development Standards and Instructional Supports documents can be used to successfully implement evidence-based instructional practices that support steady progression toward academic English language proficiency and achievement in academic content areas. Course participants will deepen their understanding of how to prioritize culturally and linguistically responsive and sustaining instructional practices through the lens of case study students in Nevada schools.

Course participants will be expected to transfer this knowledge for the benefit of their own MLs by selecting evidence-based practices to enhance a lesson using the Nevada English Language Development Standards and Instructional Supports and an Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) Lesson Planning & Reflection Template. The culminating activity for the course will include soliciting feedback from peers on the enhanced lesson.

This license renewal course is offered for Nevada educators through participating schools, districts, and regional professional development programs.

WIDA Professional Learning

Nevada educators have access to a suite of asynchronous, on demand courses through the WIDA Canvas Instance. Course offerings may differ annually, but include topics such as developing the academic language of math and science, exploring the WIDA Pre-K essential actions, courses on supporting Newcomers and Long-Term ELs,as well as new courses offered to support Nevada educators teaching in bilingual programs.

These courses can be directly accessed through the WIDA Secure Portal with Local Education Agency (LEA) login permissions.

Facilitated virtual workshops are also offered on WIDA Canvas during the year that focus on instructional scaffolding, designing language expectations, and other focus topics. Enrollment for these courses are limited. Course enrollment process occurs through NDE Title III/EL Programs.

WIDA professional learning courses are on the NDE Approved Provider list for license renewal.