Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

K-12 Computer Science

Digital Learning Resources

Digital learning can take many forms: face to face in the classroom, online, and in a hybrid or blended model. EFFECTIVE and ENGAGING digital learning takes careful planning, support, and professional development. The Nevada Digital Learning Collaborative website will provide resources to assist educators in navigating these new models.

The teaching of Computer Science and Integrated Technology will become a huge support to both students AND educators as we move into a more active partnership with technology and education. Please visit and subscribe to the website or reach out to me via email for additional support in the areas of Computer Science and Technology standards and instruction.


Computer Science provides students with vital skills for a global digital society.

“These skills strengthen local community, national innovation, and opportunities for youth. Computer Science - not computer literacy - underlies most innovation today, from biotechnology to cinematography to national security. Yet, the majority of U.S. schools require only that students use computers. Seldom do schools prepare students to innovate and create the new technologies that drive local and national economies. This ability to innovate with technology is also important for students’ future success and ability to make a difference in a global society.” (

Computer Science is more than just computer programming. It is computational thinking, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving. These are tools our students need to be successful in the digital world they are now living and the future that is to come.

Computer Science in Nevada

  • Nevada currently has 3,890 open computing jobs (3.2 times the average demand rate in Nevada)
  • The average salary for a computing occupation in NV is $83,542, which is significantly higher than the average salary in the state ($45,040).
  • Nevada had only 199 computer science graduates in 2018. In Nevada, only 77% of all public high schools teach computer science (19-20 data).
  • Only 1,996 exams were taken in AP Computer Science by high school students in Nevada in 2020 (353 took AP CS A and 1,643 took AP CSP).
  • Only 37% were female (19% for AP CS A and 40% for AP CSP); only 552 exams were taken by Hispanic/Latino students (80 took AP CS A and 472 took AP CSP); only 78 exams were taken by Black students (12 took AP CS A and 66 took AP CSP); only 15 exams were taken by Native American/ Alaskan students (2 took AP CS A and 13 took AP CSP); only 14 exams were taken by Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander students (2 took AP CS A and 12 took AP CSP).
  • Only 76 schools in NV (66% of NV schools with AP programs) offered an AP Computer Science course in 2019-2020 (28% offered AP CS A and 62% offered AP) which is 14 more than the previous year. There are fewer AP exams taken in computer science than in any other STEM subject area.
  • Teacher preparation programs in Nevada did not graduate a single new teacher prepared to teach computer science in 2018.

Data provided by’s State Advocacy Team