Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Instructional Materials


Please know that the Instructional Materials RFQ submission process is on hold until the 2026-2027 school year. Please watch this instructional materials webpage for updates regarding how the process will proceed. Thank you and we truly appreciate your patience in this process.

Review and Adoption Process

For all content areas, the adoption process starts with vendors submitting materials for review as put forth by a RFQ issued by Nevada Department of Education (NDE). The instructional materials submitted are subject to an internal review conducted by NDE staff as per the RFQ. The process is outlined in the table below:

Instructional Materials Process

Instructional Materials Process

Steps Actions Entities Tasks Outcomes Timeframe*
1 RFQ NDE Develop, secure approvals for, and release Nevada-specific RFQ. Specify requirements and provide publishers with a window in which to submit materials. 30 days
2 Submit materials Publishers Publishers submit materials in digital/online formats. Publisher submissions are time stamped and logged upon receipt. 30 days
3 Conduct internal technical review NDE Verify that submitted materials meet the RFQ requirements; where available summarize ratings from appropriate National Review Panels. Materials that meet technical review criteria move on to the Content Area Review Panels. Publishers of non-compliant materials are notified. 21 days
4 Evaluate and rate instructional materials Review Panels Conduct independent reviews followed by a full panel deliberation, and then prepare report of findings. Review Panel curates a report of their recommendations to the SBE. Review Panel curates a report of their recommendations to the SBE. 60 days
5 Recommendations are submitted to be on the SBE agenda. NDE Review the consolidated list of recommendations for all content areas under review. Instructional materials items are placed on the January SBE agenda. 30 days
6 Adopt instructional materials SBE SBE determines whether all listed materials shall be adopted officially. List of approved materials that districts may adopt immediately. No later than March 31 (Date TBD by SBE)
7 Publish the State Board approved list of instructional materials NDE Update and maintain a spreadsheet for each content area that includes review findings and other key information for each approved item. Links to the list of adopted instructional materials are added to the instructional materials page of the NDE website 30 days No later than April 30 (date contingent on corresponding Board meeting)

Content Areas of Focus

Content areas of focus are the areas of instruction of which materials will be received by NDE. Content areas of focus will always concentrate on grades kindergarten through grade 12. The review cycles and corresponding content areas will be determined at a later date.

Instructional materials may be purchased immediately following adoption by the State Board of Education. Submitted Board materials that support the Board’s decision can be found on the NDE State Board of Education site in the folder corresponding to date of the Board’s decision.

Instructional Material Forms and Evaluation Rubrics

Core Content Areas

Career Technical Education (CTE) These resources are provided to inform and assist you in selecting textbooks and other resources for your school/district.

The Nevada Department of Education is working to ensure that State employees with disabilities, and members of the public with disabilities seeking information or services from us, have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and use by State employees, or members of the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.