Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement Division

Deputy Superintendent

McGill, Christy

  • Deputy Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement Division
  • 775-687-9168

Montoya, Mindy

  • Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement
  • 702-668-4318

Office of Career Readiness, Adult Learning, and Education Options (CRALEO)

Reynolds, Anna


  • Education Programs Supervisor

Arze, Georgina

Carey, Kristina

Carlson, Taylor

Cepeda, Ingrid

Dillard, Barbara

Kazarian, Jennifer

McHatton, Marina

Morigeau, Lisa

Rezai, Tannaz

Wood, Catherine

Olsen, Nancy

Briancon, Alicia

Florence, Arianna

Wastun, Kendra

Administrative Assistant III 775-687-7287

Office of Educator Development, Licensure, and Parental Involvement and Family Engagement (EDLiFE)

Briske, Jeff

Mendiola, Geri

Educator Licensure

Arakawa, Michael

Bradley, Rupa

Collins, Jeynalynn

Cruz, Carol

Davies, Richard

Dye, Jason

Furst, Christine

Gerard, Nicole

Holladay, William

Jara, Bianca

Meteyer, Heather

Osburn, Sarah

Tirey, Megan

Urbano, Cristy

Wakefield, Chantel

Office of Educator Development & Support

Charles, KellyLynn

Crabtree, Heather

Derry, Rick

Hagg, Scott

Hoyt, Kathryn

Nygaard, Jackie

Sanchez, Anabel

Turner, Dayona

Office for a Safe & Respectful Learning Environment

Battle, LaNesha


  • Administrative Assistant II

Alonzo, Rhodora

Bortolin, Candace

Kovalovich, Lexi

Lufrano, Tina

Moyer, Janna

Sanborn, Pat

James-Tiger, Sharon

Silva, Jeremy

Warner, Jeannine