Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    Professional Development/Title II-A

    Title II Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants

    Title IIA is the only dedicated source of federal funding for preparing, training, and recruiting high-quality school leaders and educators. The purpose and intent of Title IIA is to:

    • Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards;
    • Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders;
    • Increase the number of teachers, principals and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and
    • Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

      Meeting the ESSA Equitable Distribution of Teachers (EDT) Requirements

      Equitable Distribution of Teachers: ESSA Requirements
      The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires state education agencies (SEAs) to evaluate annually whether low-income and minority students are taught disproportionately by ineffective, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers compared to their higher-income, non-minority peers. ESSA also requires local education agencies (LEAs) accepting Title I-A funds to submit plans to address any such disparities.

      Educator Equity and Differences in Rates
      The Nevada ESSA Plan Section 5 – Appendix B Tables illustrate the calculation of statewide rates at which low-income and minority students enrolled in schools receiving funds under Title I, Part A are taught by ineffective, out-of-field, and inexperienced teachers compared to non-low-income and non-minority students enrolled in schools not receiving funds under Title I, Part A.

      Following are definitions included in the tables as defined in the Nevada Department of Education’s ESSA State Plan, Section 5.3A. Definitions:

      Ineffective teacher*: An ineffective teacher is defined as one who receives either a “developing” or “ineffective” rating on the Nevada Educator Performance Framework during the prior academic year. (Note the change in language due to passage of AB320 by 2017 Legislature.)

      Out-of-field teacher*+: An out of field teacher is defined as one who holds licensure in an area other than the grade level or subject area of the current teaching assignment. This may include, but is not limited to, one who is issued a conditional or provisional license or one who is teaching Special Education via the Nevada Alternative Route to Certification (ARC)/Option Program.

      Inexperienced teacher*+: An inexperienced teacher is defined as one who has less than three full years of licensed, contracted teaching experience.

      Low-income student: Low-income is defined as student who is eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program.

      Minority Student: A minority student is defined as one who is identified as a member of a minority race or ethnicity, e.g., African American, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, Pacific Islander.

      *Definitions of these terms must provide useful information about educator equity.
      +Definitions of these terms must be consistent with the definitions that a State uses under 34 C.F.R. § 200.37.

      The Equitable Distribution of Teachers for SY 2017-2018, and SY 2018-2019 can be seen in the resources section.

        NCLB "Highly Qualified" Teacher Requirements

        Please note, that No Child Left Behind highly qualified teacher requirements were no longer in effect as of July 1, 2016. Upon that date, federal law deferred to Nevada's statutes and teacher licensure requirements. The Nevada Department of Education certifies and licenses educators who are U. S. citizens or lawful permanent residents and meet all requirements for academic preparation, student teaching, and competency testing for the specific area of licensure for which they are applying. Prior to issuance of licensure, passing a criminal background check is required of all applicants. The Nevada Department of Education continues to require the hiring of appropriately licensed teachers who have demonstrated subject matter competency in their teaching subject area.