Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Gifted and Talented Education


The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) department is housed within the Office of Inclusive Education, at the Nevada Department of Education. The GATE department provides technical assistance to local education agencies relating to the identification and education of gifted learners.

Gifted and Talented Defined

The Nevada Revised Statutes defines a gifted pupil as “a person under the age of 18 years who demonstrates such outstanding academic skills or aptitudes that the person cannot progress effectively in a regular school program and therefore needs special instruction or special services” (NRS 388.5251). The Nevada Administrative Code further states that a gifted and talented person “possesses or demonstrates outstanding ability in one or more of the following: general intelligence, academic aptitude in a specific area, creative thinking, productive thinking, leadership, the visual arts, or the performing arts” (NAC 388.043).

Gifted and Talented Eligibility and Services

Nevada law allows each school district to develop their own criteria for determining gifted and talented eligibility and providing gifted education services (NRS 388.5253). To receive state funds allocated for the provision of gifted education a student must meet the eligibility standards outlined in NAC 388.435.

Lara O’Mara

Education Programs Professional
