Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Technical Assistance and Professional Development

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Targeted technical assistance and professional development are directly connected to the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report and can vary from Universal to Direct support and intervention, depending on an analysis of each Local Education Agency's needs.

Supports for Early Childhood Programs

The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) site is designed to assist those interacting with young children with disabilities in the preschool setting. Nevada is committed to ensuring that all young children with disabilities are included and have access to the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) where they can progress in the areas of positive social relationships, knowledge and skills, and the ability to meet their needs in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).

  • Early Childhood Outcomes
    • OSEP requires states to measure and report the extent to which preschool children with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) make progress on 3 outcomes.
  • Early Childhood Inclusion
    • OSEP requires states to annually collect and report educational environments data for all children aged 3-5 with an IEP.
  • Part C-B Transition
    • OSEP requires that data be collected and reported on the percentage of children that transition from Part C (Early Intervention Services) to Part B 619 (Preschool Special Education Services) with an IEP developed and implemented by their 3rd birthday.

Support for Secondary Transition

Secondary Transition is a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of students with disabilities to assist the individual's movement from school to post-school living, learning, and working environments.

Support for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Nevada seeks to ensure that students with significant cognitive disabilities are educated on a similar trajectory as their typically developing peers who are earning a standard diploma.

  • Nevada Alternative Diploma Implementation Guidance: The Alternative Diploma is available to Nevada’s students with disabilities who are assessed on the Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA). Nevada’s requirements for the Alternative Diploma align to the academic coursework and the College and Career Readiness assessment (ACT) requirements for students working to achieve a standard diploma.
  • Nevada Alternative Assessment: The NAA is the state assessment of alternate achievement standards. The assessment is administered to less than 1% of all students in Nevada who meet the strict criteria required in order to be assessed by the NAA.
  • Nevada Alternative Diploma Elementary Grades Vertical Alignment Guidance: This document provides elementary teachers who serve students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD) with standards guidance to implement vertical alignment.
  • Nevada Alternative Diploma Intermediate Grades Vertical Alignment Guide: This document provides intermediate teachers who serve students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD) with standards guidance to implement vertical alignment.
  • Alternative Diploma Computer Education and Technology Guidance:This document provides suggested modifications to the Nevada Computer Education and Technology Standards, which can be used to inform the content of a half credit course for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).
  • Alternative Diploma Health Education Guidance: This document provides suggested modified standards that align to the current Nevada Health Standards, which can be used to inform the content of a Health class for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).
  • Alternative Diploma Physical, Earth, and Environmental Science Guidance: This document provides suggestions for modified standards that align to the Next Generation Science Standards in the areas of Earth, Physical, and Environmental Science, which can be used to inform the content of science classes other than Life Science for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).
  • Alternative Diploma Social Studies Guidance: This document provides suggestions for modified standards that align to the Nevada Social Studies Standards, which can be used to inform the content of Social Studies classes for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).
  • English Language Arts NVACS Connectors Guidance: This document provides guidance for Nevada’s teachers and high schools regarding the implementation of the ELA requirements for the Alternative Diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).
  • Mathematics NVACS Connectors Guidance:This document provides guidance for Nevada’s teachers and high schools regarding the implementation of the mathematics requirements for the Alternative Diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).
  • Science NVACS Connectors Guidance: This document provides guidance for Nevada’s teachers and high schools regarding the implementation of the Science requirements for the Alternative Diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD).

Behavior Supports and Interventions

  • Restraint and Aversive Intervention
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
    • The Nevada Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Project - The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) and the Nevada PBIS Technical Assistance Center plan to build capacity to establish, scale-up, and sustain Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in many of Nevada Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), including the state's larger urban districts and small rural districts across the entire state.
    • Positive Behavior Support of Nevada - PBS-NV is a state-wide project composed of a network of professionals, parents and community members that are trying to build a sustainable culture who value and implement quality positive behavior supports.

Supports for English Learners with Disabilities

State Personal Development Grant Program

  • Assess Plan Teach
  • Project Achieve

Nevada Academic Content Standard Connectors

The NVACS Connectors provide teachers with grade level connectors that align to the general education standards in ELA and Mathematics and provide students with significant cognitive disabilities deeper and more enduring exposure to the academic content in preparation for transitional opportunities beyond their K-12 experience.

Community Partners and Resources

  • NV PEP (External Link)
    • Nevada PEP is a statewide organization serving families of children and youth with disabilities and behavioral health needs from birth to 26 and their service providers.
  • Nevada Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE)
    • The ABLE Program allows eligible Nevadans with disabilities to create a special tax-advantaged savings and investment account for personal and disability-related expenses.
  • National Technical Assistance Centers (NTAC) (External Link)
    • Under the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programs supports State educational agencies (SEAs) and their subgrantees operate 21st CCLCs in providing academic enrichment opportunities for students attending high-poverty, low-performing schools during non-school hours.

Visual Impairments/Blindness

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines "visual impairment including blindness" as an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.