Developmentally Appropriate Practice Kindergarten Policy Statement (2023)
This statement strives to empower teachers and classroom implementation through an evidence based approach and sharing of best practices to help bridge the gap between 0-5 (pre-school) and K-3rd pedagogy and classroom instruction to increase student learning outcomes and engagement.
Required School Age in Nevada
- Assembly Bill 65 was signed into legislation on 6/3/23 by Governor Lombardo. Effective July 1, 2024 the required school age for students in Nevada begins at age 6. Additionally, students will need to attend kindergarten before attending first grade. You can read the legislation and guidance memo for further information.
- AB 65
- Guidance Memo

Kindergarten Entry Date
Effective July 1st 2023, children will be required to turn 5 on or before August 1st to enter kindergarten. Additionally, students must attend Kindergarten before enrolling in first grade. Read the legislation around this topic for more information.

Professional Development for Kindergarten Teachers
Kindergarten Think Tank
This stakeholder group meets virtually quarterly and is always accepting members. The goal of this group is to improve our communication to teachers and schools, provide or develop needed resources, and gather stakeholder input on kindergarten issues.
Kindergarten Transitions
To see Kindergarten Transition resources, supports, and frequently asked questions click here. (Note: This page is under development)