Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Office of Assessment, Data, and Accountability Management (ADAM)


The Office’s crosscutting mission is central to all Nevada Department of Education offices and to Nevada districts, schools, parents, and educators. ADAM performs several functions critical to the effectiveness of the NDE as a change agent by informing the evaluation of effectiveness of schools, districts, and of State and federal improvement programs.   ADAM provides data to inform the improvement of systems of support aligned to the goals and objectives of the Nevada State Improvement Plan. ADAM assures the validity, reliability, and transparency of all processes around the collection, management, and production of data related to the State-required assessments and to the statewide system of accountability.   ADAM creates assessment, IT, and accountability communications that are easily interpreted by internal and external stakeholders and has developed and publicly published detailed procedures and technical manuals that not only guide internal processes and procedures but offer in depth technical assistance in guided formats to districts and schools.   The ADAM office is the gate keeper for all data requests, fulfilling both external and internal data requests to support education programming in a timely manner. ADAM creates, maintains, and shares annual calendars of deliverables for collections, validations and reporting cycles.

ADAM consists of three offices. The Office of Assessment, Office of Accountability, and Office of Information Technology. Find the respective office sites of ADAM below.

Peter Zutz

Administrator of Assessment, Data, and Accountability Management