Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

Implementing Social Emotional Academic Development (SEAD)

School Wide Implementation through Integration

SEL requires a strategic, systemic approach that involves district and school leaders, community partners, and family members working together to ensure students receive the support they need. Schools can integrate equitable social emotional and academic development into the fabric of school culture. Educational leaders and school staff can model SEL skills and create natural opportunities for common language and practices across the school community.

Successful, SEL is not a standalone program or an add-on. It is central to how schools, communities, and families value and support the social, emotional, and academic development of their children. Districts, schools and family tools and resources can be on CASEL's webpage.

The core elements of a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) approach provide an ideal framework by which to model, integrate, and explicitly teach SEL skills. The following diagram demonstrates the integration of SEAD through an MTSS lens.

Schools can attain sustainability using an MTSS framework. Four key elements lead to such sustainability:

  • Promote Priority
    • Incorporation into core system components
    • Connection to other initiatives
  • Ensure Effectiveness
    • Extent to which practices result in desired outcomes
    • Effects must be attributed to practice
  • Increase Efficiency
    • Relationship between continued effort and effectiveness
    • Weighed against other potential practices
  • Use data for Continuous Regeneration
    • Adaptation over time while keeping critical features intact
    • Investment in building local capacity & adjust for changing environment

Credible resources for Integration of SEAD through an MTSS Lens can be found at the following links:

Resources from Transforming Education

CASEL provides an online suite of tools that provides guidance and support for districts and schools to implement high-quality, evidence based SEL in their communities: SEL Implementation Tools and Resources (External Link)

For Educators

Educators can practice and model adult SEL skills and explicitly teach skills within the school-wide and classroom environments. Through shared efforts across NDE, an array of support (e.g., professional development; grant opportunities; School Climate Survey data review and action planning; multi-tiered system of supports training; restorative practices training; etc.) are available to districts and schools. Those interested in learning more about SEL/SEAD support options directly from the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment can request support through the Tier 1 Training Request Form (External Link) or access the OSRLE Professional Learning Menu.

How can I implement SEL in my classroom?

Schoolwide SEL implementation requires cultivating supportive classroom environments and teaching practices that effectively engage students in deep academic, social and emotional learning.

As students move between classrooms, common language and aligned practices help reinforce social and emotional learning. When all classrooms provide supportive learning environments and high-quality, consistent opportunities for SEL, students are better able to internalize what they've learned.

Where can I find trauma informed or trauma responses resources?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines trauma informed care as "A program, organization, or system that is trauma-informed responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices, and seeks to actively resist re-traumatization." The following links provide information regarding trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's), and resiliency

Schools can attain sustainability through the use of an MTSS framework. Four key elements lead to such sustainability:

  • Promote Priority
    • Incorporation into core system components
    • Connection to other initiatives
  • Ensure Effectiveness
    • Extent to which practices result in desired outcomes
    • Effects must be attributed to practice
  • Increase Efficiency
    • Relationship between continued effort and effectiveness
    • Weighed against other potential practices
  • Use data for Continuous Regeneration
    • Adaptation over time while keeping critical features intact
    • Investment in building local capacity & adjust for changing environment

Credible resources for Integration of SEAD through an MTSS Lens can be found at the following links:

Resources from Transforming Education

CASEL provides an online suite of tools that provides guidance and support for districts and schools to implement high-quality, evidence-based SEL in their communities: SEL Implementation Tools and Resources

For Families

Parents can recognize and practice SEAD skills at home, and engage in opportunities to participate in evening or afterschool SEAD activities offered by the school.

For Students

Disclaimer: The Nevada Department of Education does not in any way signify the endorsement or recommendation of any resources provided. The resources are provided as a convenience.