Nevada institutions of higher education offer degree programs to support your journey to becoming a licensed educator. Pursue a college degree in early childhood, elementary, or secondary, or special education for specific grade levels and content area including student teaching. Select the corresponding Traditional Preparation Program pathway link for more information.

If you are currently licensed/certified in another state or country you may be eligible for a reciprocal license. Select the corresponding New Teacher Out of State and/or Foreign Educator pathway link for more information.

Do you have a college degree in a specific CTE content area? If so, you may be eligible for an initial renewable provisional CTE license. The CTE pathway allows you to teach your specific occupational subject in grades 7-12. Select the corresponding CTE pathway link for more information.

If you already have a bachelor’s degree but did not complete a teacher preparation program, Nevada offers programs that allow you to teach in a classroom while completing the required coursework and exams to earn your initial license. Select the corresponding Alternate Route to Licensure pathway link for more information.

The Accelerated Alternate Route to Licensure program, better known as A-ARL, is an innovative fast-track for individuals who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in a non-education field who interested in teaching in Nevada. Select the corresponding Accelerated Alternate Route to Licensure pathway link for more information.

Do you have a high school diploma or its equivalent along with at least two years full-time experience or 4,000 hours of verifiable work experience in a specific content area? You may be eligible for an initial renewable provisional license. The B&I pathway allows you to teach your specific occupational subject in grades 7-12. Select the corresponding B&I pathway link for more information.

If you’re not already working in a Nevada school, this program allows you to gain employment as a paraprofessional or school support professional, work full-time, and earn a paycheck while going to school. Earn up to 60 general education credits for a seamless transition into the UNLV NV Forward PPP Teacher Apprenticeship Program. Select the corresponding Rebel Start Academy pathway link for more information.

A fast-track pathway for paraprofessionals and school support professionals to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in education and complete the qualifications for teacher licensure in a single calendar year. Select the corresponding Paraprofessional Pathways Program pathway link for more information.

An accelerated master’s level teacher licensure program for professionals with degrees in non-teaching fields. Select the corresponding Registered Apprenticeship Program pathway link for more information.

Are you interested in becoming a teacher by earning up to 12 free dual credits and participating in internships with college tuition reimbursement upon earning your bachelors degree in education? The Teacher Academy College Pathway is for you! Begin your career in education by talking to your counselor about available options. Select the corresponding Teacher Academy College Pathway link for more information.

The PEF FastTrack Program provides support to current school employees working in Nevada public and charter schools. Our community partnership prepares these future teachers to successfully complete UNLV’s fast-paced Rebel Start Academy and Paraprofessional Pathways Project. Select the corresponding Teacher FastTrack pathway link for more information.

Are you interested in education, but not sure of the specifics? Become a substitute teacher! Gain experience in all subjects and grades from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade while also filling a need in our schools. Select the corresponding Substitute pathway link for more information.