Information for the FY23 Perkins Grants
The following FY23 Perkins Grant Resources can be found at: CTE Grants page
Perkins Grants
2/14/2022 Career and TechnicalEducation – Carl D. Perkins Local Formula Grant
Description: The purpose of the Strengthening Career and TechnicalEducation for the 21st Century Act (aka, Perkins V) is to develop more fullythe academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondaryeducation students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll incareer and technical education programs.Eligible Entities: Public secondary and postsecondary local educationagencies (LEAs) and eligible public charter schools which offered recognizedNevada CTE programs of study in FY22 and who submit a Comprehensive Local NeedsAssessment are eligible to apply for this grant funding in FY23.
Due Dates/Timeline: 3/29/2022 by 5:00 p.m.
- RFAs and related resources and forms can be found at: CTE Grants Page
- For moreinformation contact Karen Chessell at
2/14/2022 Career and Technical Education – Carl D. PerkinsReserve Competitive Grant
Description:The purpose of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21stCentury Act (aka, Perkins V) is to develop more fully the academic knowledgeand technical and employability skills of postsecondary education students whoelect to enroll in career and technical education programs.
Eligible Entities: Postsecondary local education agencies (LEAs)offering recognized Nevada CTE programs of study in FY22 and who submit aComprehensive Local Needs Assessment are eligible to apply for this grantfunding in FY23.
Due Dates/Timeline: 3/29/2022 by 5:00 p.m.
- RFAs and related resources and forms can be found at: CTE Grants Page
- For moreinformation contact Karen Chessell at
2/14/2022 Career and Technical Education – Carl D. PerkinsRural Reserve Grant
Description: The purpose of the Strengthening Career and TechnicalEducation for the 21st Century Act (aka, Perkins V) is to develop more fullythe academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondaryeducation students who elect to enroll in career and technical educationprograms.
Eligible Entities: Public secondary local education agencies (LEAs) and publiccharter schools that offered recognized Nevada CTE programs in FY22; who willreceive approximately or less than $15,000.00 in their Perkins Local Formulagrant, and who submit a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment are eligible toapply for this grant funding in FY23.
Due Dates/Timeline:3/29/2022 by 5:00 p.m.
- RFAs and related resources and forms can be found at: CTE Grants Page
- For moreinformation contact Karen Chessell at
2/14/2022 Career and TechnicalEducation – Carl D. Perkins Corrections Grant
Description: The purpose of the Strengthening Career and TechnicalEducation for the 21st Century Act (aka, Perkins V) is to develop more fullythe academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondaryeducation students who elect to enroll in career and technical educationprograms.Eligible Entities: Eligible recipients are state or county youthcorrectional facilities charged with the responsibility for court-adjudicatedyouth, ages 14 through 17, and only those facilities which serve youth onlong-term placements (i.e., four months or longer) and offer career andtechnical education programs. For FY23, four agencies/districts are determinedeligible to apply for the funds. They represent the five institutions of C.O.Bastian High School in Lincoln County; Jacobsen High School in Douglas County;Nevada Youth Training Center in Elko County; Summit View Youth Camp and SpringMountain Youth Camp in Clark County.
Due Dates/Timeline: 3/29/2022 by 5:00 p.m.
- RFAs and related resources and formscan be found at: CTE Grants Page
- For moreinformation contact Karen Chessell at
2/15/2022 Career and Technical Education – Carl D. Perkins Non-traditionalTraining and Employment
Description: The purpose of the Strengthening Career and TechnicalEducation for the 21st Century Act (aka, Perkins V) is to develop more fullythe academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondaryeducation students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll incareer and technical education programs.Eligible Entities: Public secondary and postsecondary local educationagencies (LEAs) and eligible public charter schools which offered recognizedNevada CTE programs of study in FY22 and who submit a Comprehensive Local NeedsAssessment are eligible to apply for this grant funding in FY23.
Due Dates/Timeline: 3/29/2022 by 5:00 p.m
- RFAs and related resources and forms can be found at: CTE Grants Page
- For moreinformation contact Karen Chessell at