Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education


Every student, regardless of any differing characteristics, deserves a safe and respectful learning environment. School safety is a multi-faceted endeavor which is guided by the principles of prevention, protection, and recovery.

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Statewide School Safety Task Force

The Statewide School Safety Task Force was created in 2018 by then-Governor Brian Sandoval and was charged with ensuring the safety of Nevada's schoolchildren as a matter of unparalleled importance and significance. In 2019, Senate Bill 89 mandated that the Committee on Statewide School Safety continue. The 2020-2021 Task Force continues the work of the 2018 committee, working to establish methods which support the ability of students to express their ideas related to school safety and the well-being of students, evaluate the impact of social media on school safety and the well-being of students, and discuss and make recommendations to the Governor and Department regarding their findings.

    School Crisis and Emergency Operation Plans
      Threat Assessment