Nevada Department of EducationNevada Department of Education

    Discipline and Restorative Practices

    Additional Resources:

    Progressive Discipline uses gradual consequences to address inappropriate behavior to teach pro-social behavior. Restorative Justice means nonpunitive intervention and support provided by the school to a pupil to improve the behavior of the pupil and remedy any harm caused by the pupil. Restorative Practices within the field of education are positive social interactions that create equitable and safe learning conditions. Engaging restoratively with students before, during, and following a disciplinary offense fosters student accountability, growth, and the opportunity to repair the harm. For additional information, please refer to the 2023 Legislative Session Guidance Memorandum #23-04 -  Implementing Discipline and Restorative Justice Updates Adopted During the 82nd Legislative Session (Assembly Bills 330 and 285, 2023)

      2023 Legislative Session

      During the 2023 Legislative Session, two bills related to school discipline and restorative justice were passed. Assembly Bill (AB) 330 and Assembly Bill (AB) 285 amended existing laws related to the behavior and discipline of pupils. AB 330 and AB 285 make changes to the age requirements for suspensions, expulsions, permanent expulsion, Temporary Alternative Placement, and the appeal process. In addition, the new statutes address the collection and reporting of discipline data and the requirements for districts and schools to write and implement a Progressive Discipline Plan that incorporates restorative justice practices. 

      Combining progressive discipline with restorative approaches when addressing behavior is intended to prevent a recurrence of inappropriate behavior by helping students take responsibility for their actions, repair any harm, and collectively find solutions to restore relationships. This guidance memo Implementing Discipline and Restorative Justice Updates Adopted During the 82nd Legislative Session (Assembly Bills 330 and 285, 2023), includes the following sections to support districts and schools in implementing AB 330 and AB 285:

      • Background and Purpose
      • Statutory Requirements
      • Student-Level Changes
      • System-Level Changes
      • Dates and Deadlines for Schools and Districts
      • Timeline for Implementation
      • Definitions

        District Progressive and Restorative Discipline Plans (formerly Site Progressive Discipline Plans):
        Equity & Discipline Disproportionality:
          Restorative Practices and MTSS?